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web hosting christian

For the most part church web hosting is very similar to regular web hosting (with a few exceptions. One major factor that separates regular hosts from web hosting that support church sites is a profanity filter/block. Many church web sites allow users to comment or write prayer requests, etc. on the site; however, a lot of churches are soon disappointed to find out that hackers and spammers will soon spam their site with profanity and bad language; therefore, it is essential to purchase your hosting from a church web hosting provider that has a built in spam/profanity filter.

BlueHost and HostMonster are two of the world's largest web hosting providers; in fact, BlueHost is in the top 10 list of the biggest and most well known web hosting providers. But more impressively these professional web hosting companies DO NOT conform to poor standards and block/delete sites that have bad language and/or porn. BlueHost will help your church web site stay clean from anything that may reflect poorly on your church.

As a preacher's kid, I am often asked to recommend a web hosting provider to a church. I tell everyone to sign up with HostMonster or BlueHost

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