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Linux Hosting - Best Linux Web Hosting(2009)

Read Our Review Best Linux Web Hosting services to find the right Linux Web Hosting solution for ... Your company can use Linux Web Hosting reviews for service comparison purposes. ...
A Linux-based (also commonly called Unix-based) Web host uses the free and open-source Linux operating system to drive its servers. Linux hosts usually rely on a LAMP structure, which means they use the Linux operating system, Apache server software, MySQL database and PHP scripting.

  • Unlimited Domain Names
  • 1 Free Domain Included
  • Unlimited Storage Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth Transfer
Visit BlueHost
Since 1996 BlueHost has been providing one of the top cheap hosting options available. Like their excellent customer service the price has remained the same for nearly a decade while others
BlueHost Review >>
Monthly Cost Disk Space Bandwidth POP Accounts eComm Domain Registration
$6.95 Unlimited Unlimited 2500 Yes Yes

  • Budget Linux Hosting
  • One FREE Domain Name
  • 250 Gigs of Web Storage
  • 3,000 Gigs of Bandwidth
Visit MidPhase
midPhase is one of the best providers of budget linux hosting. Their powerful web hosting plans inlude everything users need to create a professional website. With more online storage space
MidPhase Review >>
Monthly Cost Disk Space Bandwidth POP Accounts eComm Domain Registration
$7.95 250 Gigs 3,000 Gigs unmetered No No

Because it's open-source-based, Linux hosting allows you to take advantage of a wide range of other free and open-source applications and scripts, including CGI, Perl, PHP and the MySQL database. That means Linux-based hosting offers great flexibility at a typically lower cost than Windows hosting. Linux servers also support Telnet, which Windows servers don’t, and they tend to run faster than Windows servers, which means faster load times for your Website.

Other applications supported by Linux include Evolution, the Firefox Web browser, the GNOME desktop, Open Office, PostgreSQL and Python.

Linux hosting provides a stable and reliable environment for your Website, as it places fewer resource demands on servers. The open-source programming community also means you'll be able to quickly access repairs and patches for any bugs and glitches your site might encounter.

You'll find there are a large number of Linux-based hosting plans out there offering everything from the cheapest (even free) basic shared service to advanced and dedicated hosting with multiple databases, secure e-commerce capabilities and support for a wide range of applications. The right one should be able to meet all your hosting needs, including ample disk space and bandwidth, email accounts, databases, a Web-based control panel, WebMail, FTP access, ecommerce and support for applications like Weblogs, discussion forums, php hosting, live chat, photo galleries and more.

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