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Real Our blue hosting review and blue hosting user review To Find The Right Web Hosting hosting, LLC is one of the most established web hosting companies in the United States


24 months: $4.95 per month + FREE setup + FREE Domain
12 months:$5.95 per month + FREE setup + FREE Domain
6 months: $9.95 per month + $30.00 setup + $10 Domain
3 months: $9.95 per month + $30.00 setup + $10 Domain



You are in good hands when hosting with BlueHost as this company has proven its reliability time and again. BlueHost utilizes top of the line hardware in Xeon servers, each machine receiving around the clock maintenance by a team of expert technicians. Your website is protected with daily backups to ensure that every bit of data can be restored in the event of hardware failure. USP systems and diesel generators are in place to compensate for power outages while high-capacity backbones make sure you get the best performance online. BlueHost assures the availability of your website with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Price Value


BlueHost offers an industry leading set of features you are sure to appreciate. For just $6.95 per month, you get unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth which results enough capacity to host as many domains as you like. Also included are 100 MySQL databases, 100 Postgre SQL databases, 2,500 email accounts and three different webmail solutions. You can make sure your inbox stays spam-free with the Spam Assassin application and secure your email communications with PGP Encryption software. BlueHost makes it easy to create your site with the drag and drop site builder, FrontPage extensions and a variety of programming languages.

Control Panel


Building and managing a website is a piece of cake with cPanel. This is the software BlueHost sets you up with, an easy to use program that has won awards for its power and simplicity. With cPanel you can create your email accounts, add domains, manage files, view website statistics and much more. It also comes included with Fantastico which is a great feature in its own right. Fantastico is pre-installed with more than 50 scripts, enabling the easy one-click installation of programs such as WordPress, B2Evolution, Joomla and a host of others. Not familiar with cPanel? BlueHost lets you play with a demo version before signing up.

Customer Support


Not to be forgotten is support, one of the most essential aspects of web hosting. BlueHost steps it up in this department by providing various ways to get in touch with the expert staff. Support is available 24/7 via toll-free phone, email and live chat. You can also get assistance through the support ticket system as well as an extensive knowledge base.

Overall Value


Be it for personal or business matters, BlueHost is one company you simply can’t go wrong with. The array of features, responsive support and competitive price is almost too good to pass up. With well over 500,000 domains hosted, BlueHost has proven itself as a successful web host.

About Bluehost

Bluehost Hosting has been providing web hosting services to thousands of businesses and personal web sites since 1996. This puts Bluehost up there with some of the longest running hosting companies which should mean Bluehost won't disappear overnight and take your valued web sites with them.

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