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Best Windows Web Hosting

Read Our Review Best Windows Web Hosting services to find the right Windows Web Hosting solution for ... Your company can use Windows Web Hosting reviews for service comparison purposes. ...
A Windows-based Web hosting provider uses Microsoft's Windows software to drive its servers. The operating system allows Windows hosts to offer their customers Microsoft-licensed applications and technology like ASP, .NET, Visual Basic, Visual Interdev and ColdFusion.

  • FREE Domain Name
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Monthly Bandwidth
  • Unlimited POP email accounts
Visit Startlogic
Startlogic web hosting was started by seasoned web hosting industry experts looking to make their mark and help online business owners to better succeed. The ProLogic web hosting package
Startlogic Review >>
Monthly Cost Disk Space Bandwidth POP Accounts eComm Domain Registration
$5.95 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Yes No

  • Budget Linux Hosting
  • One FREE Domain Name
  • 250 Gigs of Web Storage
  • 3,000 Gigs of Bandwidth
Visit midPhase
midPhase is one of the best providers of budget linux hosting. Their powerful web hosting plans inlude everything users need to create a professional website. With more online storage space
midPhase Review >>
Monthly Cost Disk Space Bandwidth POP Accounts eComm Domain Registration
$7.95 250 Gigs 3,000 Gigs unmetered No No

Windows hosting ensures straightforward support for Websites developed with Microsoft FrontPage. With a Unix-/Linux-based host, on the other hand, you need to make sure the company supports the FrontPage extensions you're using for your site. Other Microsoft applications aren’t supported at all by Unix-/Linux-based hosting providers.

Windows hosting also provides a familiar environment for administering and managing your Website. If you're comfortable using Windows on your home or work computer, you'll find it relatively easy to begin maintaining your site via a Windows-based server.

Windows hosting is the obvious choice if you plan to develop or use a lot of Windows-based applications on your Website. It’s also the better option if you plan to integrate your site with an Access database; you would have to convert your Access database – which isn’t quick or easy – to run on a Unix-/Linux-based server.

Besides supporting your Windows-based application requirements, a good Windows host should also be able to offer other features you might need, including adequate disk space and bandwidth, email accounts, databases, a Web-based control panel, WebMail, FTP access, ecommerce, Windows-compatible scripts and support for applications like Weblogs, discussion forums, live chat, photo galleries and more. A Windows host should also be able to provide you with 24/7 technical help, FAQs and other types of support to help you make the most of your Website.

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