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Best VPS Web Hosting

Read Our Review Best VPS Web Hosting services to find the right VPS Web Hosting solution for ... Your company can use VPS Web Hosting reviews for service comparison purposes. ...
VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server), also referred to as Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS), is a method of partitioning a physical server computer into multiple servers such that each has the appearance and capabilities of running on its own dedicated machine.
VPS hosting is used when you have higher needs than shared web hosting, but don't want to pay the high cost of dedicated solution. Although you still share the server with the others, but you will be guaranteed with the hardware resource such as CPU, disk space, etc. VPS hosting is a right choise for you if page views per day of a site is between 1000 and 10000.

Rank Web Hosting Companies General FeaturesRead Review
  • Price: $49.95
  • 15GB disk space, 600GB Bandwidth, 99.9% uptime, 1 Free Dedicated IP
  • Memory: 256MB guarantee, 1G Burstable Memory
  • Nightly backup, 99.9% Uptime, 30 days money back guarantee
  • midPhase Review

  • $39.95
  • 20GB disk space, 1000GB bandwidth, 99.9% uptime, 1 dedicated IP
  • Memory: 512MB guarantee, Burstable Memory is 512MB as well
  • 99.9% Uptime, 30 days money back guarantee, $775 free bonus software
  • Lunarpages Review

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