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Anhosting Review

Real Our Anhosting review and Anhosting user review To Find The Right Web Hosting Provider.Anhosting, LLC is one of the most established web hosting companies in the United States
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About AnHosting
AnHosting started in 2001 as a two-man show based in Chicago. The company soon began to grow until they were taken under the wing of midPhase services Inc. in 2005. AnHosting now hosts over 150,000 domain names on a network of over 1000 servers, including Linux. They also host more Blogs then anyone else and provide their services to tens of thousands of independent Bloggers.

Web Host Disk Space Bandwidth Price
ANHosting 500GB 5000GB $6.95 / Month

Plans and Features
AnHosting provides plans that are all inclusive, including an online website builder and free domain registration for life for those just getting started and also many free services for those switching hosts, such as, free domain transfer, domain name renewal and free file and database transfer.
AnHosting’s Mega Plan includes 5GB Storage, 500GB Bandwidth, 20 sites on 1 account, free domain name for life, and unlimited databases, sub-domains and email accounts.
AnHosting also provide a Mega Plan Plus with extra storage, bandwidth, domains and FTP accounts, plus unlimited MySQL Databases, Fantastico (lots of free scripts) and free advertising credits with Yahoo and Google with most plans.
AnHosting offer great value for their plans ranging from $6.95 for the Mega Plan to $9.95 for the Mega Plan Plus and unlike many other web hosting companies AnHosting never charge any set up fees. They are no hidden costs with AnHosting; you get good web hosting services at a competitive price.
Their reliability as far as uptime is concerned is historical and is guaranteed to never drop below 99.9% efficiency. They use Dual core Dual Opteron Servers which provide a competent and fast service, including both Linux and UNIX. These are high performance multi-processor servers with RAID arrays to keep your data safe using a Cisco powered network to deliver a very reliable service. They have a diverse network comprised of level 3 servers such as, BandCon and AboveNet ensuring a reliable uptime rate.
AnHosting also offer a 30-day money back guarantee but this does not include any set up fees, domain registration, transfer or renewal costs. However with a 99.9% uptime guarantee and 24/7 phone and email support who’s to say you’ll be asking for your money back. AnHosting also offer Technical support and 24/7 Live Chat services.
This Hostname review finds AnHosting to be a very suitable web hosting provider for those of you wanting a moderately priced plan. They come recommended by WordPress, Mambo, Sub Dreamer, b2evolution and many more and provide many features and quality support. AnHosting’s parent company midPhase is a member of Chicago BBB and The BBB online reliability program.
AnHosting is a member of CNET, so they are certified service providers. CNET has also honoured them with their User recommended award and they are Hosting code of Ethics verified.

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