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Learning How To Dance

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Learning How To Dance is a set of educational videos . The dance instructor is Louis Van Amstel, a world-renowned dancer. The complete package covers 8 different dances: Cha Cha, FoxTrot, Jive, Rhumba, Salsa, Samba, Tango, and Waltz

  • Title: Louis Let’s Dance
  • Category: Weight Loss
  • Price: $49.97
  • Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal or Online Check
  • Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
  • Author: Louis
  • Language:English
  • Learning How To Dance product homepage gif
  • Book Description:

Learning How To Dance

Don't worry, even I use to suck at dancing, until I had some inspiration to actually learn the steps. The truth is, it LOOKS hard, but it's actually quite easy once we get those basics out of the way. This course was designed to teach you both the basics and some intermediate-advanced ballroom steps to turn YOU into a dance floor machine in no time! I've enjoyed teaching dance for many years now, from celebrities to small sized pro classes, they all have the same reaction to my course:

Makes You Trim Your Body

Beat Your Fear Of Dancing!
Injects Romance Into Your Life

Learn Real Steps In 20 Minutes!

    Learn About Posture, Expression   
"Worth Every Penny!"

Guaranteed to laugh A Lot!

Confidently Dance Anywhere!
"Now WE LOVE Dancing!"
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