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All About Women Ebook

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The purpose of the All About Women ebook is to inform and instruct men as to what women really want.
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  • All About Women Ebook:  is available for immediate download in ebook format so you can be reading within  minutes. Available from anywhere in the world.
  • Book Title:  All About Women
  • Category: Dating
  • Price: 39
  • Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal or Online Check
  • Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
  • Delivery Method: Digital download
  • Language:English
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  • Book Description:

Here Is What You Will Learn From My Highly Informative E-Book:

Know when to go in for the first kiss: you will learn 3 easy ways to initiate kissing (two subtle and a direct one) including a test to determine whether she is ready to be kissed or not – don't stress yourself about the first kiss again!
A step-by-step guide on making-out properly. The book teaches how and when to initiate each step... Get from the first kiss to fingering her easily!
3 wonderful places for having sex and how to initiate it at each - never be worried about not getting any action anymore!

Discover how long you should wait to have sex with a girl. There are 3 critical categories of women who are harder to bed and I teach you to handle each
A very important rule to prevent you from wasting a lot of energy on a girl. Also learn the point where you can say that the two of you are in a relationship
Girls communicate their interest towards you with a subtle code... Learn the signs she is giving you and you will know when she is ready to get down and dirty... We also teach you the negative signs that show it's time to move on!

The three topics you must avoid at all costs when taking a woman out for the first few times
19 example topics that you can easily talk about on your dates. These will help you get from the phase of loosening her up towards more intimate moments
Problems talking about sex? Not anymore! This book teaches you a dirty little game to solve the issue... 32 example questions are also included... She will tell you sexual secrets on the first date that she otherwise would never tell before you have had sex... At least not to other guys!

How to double your success rate by recognizing when a woman wants you to approach her - just think how many beautiful girls you have missed because you didn't see these signs... And how many you will meet this way!
Places where you shouldn't take your women under any circumstances (Unless you want to lose them instantly!)
Learn the most effective kind of dates including 17 wonderful ideas for places to take her to - she will definitly enjoy her time with you

The exact words you should say and the exact way you should act when approaching a girl - if you follow these instructions, the girl will be attracted to you within 1 minute of meeting her... Whether you are approaching her in a club, on the streets or anywhere else!
The biggest mistake you can make in a club that will destroy your chances of attracting any woman present
The easiest way to get the phone number of a girl without any hassle or fear of rejection

A 5-step guide on where to meet and how to seduce the kind of woman you prefer
An amazing 6-step script to help you overcome your fear of approaching women within a few days... No more shyness around beautiful girls!
You will find a separate chapter about approaching girls in clubs - with the most common mistakes to avoid. Just by stripping yourself of these behaviors you will separate yourself from 99% of the guys in the club and become twice as attractive to women!

Body language - psychological experiments show that the way you carry yourself in this world is more important than you would think. Girls recognize a confident person - with my dirty little tricks, you will be one of them!
I show you how to improve the quality of your life and find your place in this world better - women like a man who has his life together
22 of the best and easiest places to pick-up girls

The answer to a vital question: how much money should you spend on a woman during the first few dates? All this from a perspective not found in other dating books
It's much easier to develop a manly personality and to learn to be a "Real Man" than you would think. Just follow the secret tips I give inside and find yourself attracting women solely with your presence - without having to move a finger!
Important tips on dressing and taking care of yourself - you don't have to look like an average guy! This book will teach you how to give a little lift here and there and improve your looks by 2 points on a scale from 1 to 10! By applying this tips to yourself, women will notice you - I GUARANTEE IT!

Women speak a different language. You can't talk to them like you talk to your buddies. A separate part of the book is about how women think, what motivates their actions and how you can use this to your advantage!
Advice on the most common errors men make - just by avoiding these critical mistakes which repel most women, you can improve your success rate dramatically and put yourself ahead of every guy out there.
The Manly way of complimenting a lady. Many guys cut the tree below themselves by not knowing how to compliment - I teach you to do it right

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