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How To Flirt With Men-Ebook

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  • How To Flirt With Men Ebook:  is available for immediate download in ebook format so you can be reading within  minutes. Available from anywhere in the world.
  • Book Title:  Secrets of Flirting With Men
  • Category: Marriage
  • Price: $29.97
  • Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal or Online Check
  • Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
  • Delivery Method: Digital download
  • Author: Mimi Tanner
  • Language:English
  • How To Flirt With Men product homepage gif
  • Book Description:

Here is what you will receive:

Immediate access to the private website with the entire comprehensive program which will show you exactly "How to Flirt With Any Man On The Planet!"

5 Audio classes on "How to Flirt With Men" which you can hear on your computer - no sound files to download!

2 Bonus guidebooks, including "How to Meet More Men Than You Ever Dreamed Possible"

Here is SOME of what you will discover within the classes:

"The Flirting Formulas: Knowing What To Say." You will always have a ready response to any situation!
"Confidence and Attracting Men"

"How You Look and Move - The Messages You Send To Men"

"How To Keep a Man Interested"

"The Worst Mistakes Women Make with Men"

"Body Language of the Master Flirt"

"The Flirting Prop and Special Flirting Situations" including how-to-flirt-with-men formulas for when you're already in a relationship.

"The Top 20 Rules for Attracting Men"

Reports from Class Members on their Flirting Experiences!

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