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healthy pregnancy diet Ebook

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  • healthy pregnancy diet Ebook:  is available for immediate download in ebook format so you can be reading within  minutes. Available from anywhere in the world.
  • Book Title:  healthy pregnancy diet
  • Category: Pregnancy
  • Price: $38.83
  • Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal or Online Check
  • Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
  • Delivery Method: Digital download
  • Language:English
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  • Book Description:

What You'll Learn In This eBook:

    * Whether or not you are already on the right track with your eating and exercise habits before getting pregnant;
    * What is a safe amount of weight gain during pregnancy for your specific situation;
    * Why preparing yourself mentally and physically before you get pregnant is an extremely important key to your fertility;
    * How vegetarians can continue their eating habits throughout pregnancy safely;
    * How to lose weight after your baby is born;
    * What to avoid eating before, during and after pregnancy, and how;
    * Whole food sources of all of the most needed nutrients before, during and after pregnancy;
    * Three different meal plans based on your own personal nutritional requirements for each stage of pregnancy: trying to conceive, pregnancy and after your baby is born;
    * When and where you'll gain most of your weight during pregnancy;
    * Conditions and concerns to watch out for during pregnancy;
    * A trimester dietary breakdown;
    * How to deal with the most common of pregnancy-related discomforts, such as heartburn, constipation, food cravings, morning sickness, swelling and tiredness;
    * What supplements to take during your pregnancy, and if they are not recommended, where to get the nutrients instead;
    * Why you should exercise before, during and after pregnancy, with complete and thorough guidelines for each stage of the process;
    * Specific exercise guidelines for athletes and women with gestational diabetes;
    * What, and where, to purchase pregnancy workout gear;
    * Explanations as to the stretching, aerobic and strength training exercises to perform throughout your pregnancy;
    * Exercises to help make labor and delivery more manageable;
    * Postpartum suggestions for diet and exercise tailored to women who are both breastfeeding or not;
    * Exercise ideas that incorporate your baby after he or she is born.

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