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Christian Sex Education Book

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  • Christian Sex Education Ebook:  is available for immediate download in ebook format so you can be reading within  minutes. Available from anywhere in the world.
  • Book Title:  Christian Sex Education
  • Category: Marriage
  • Price: $37
  • Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal or Online Check
  • Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
  • Delivery Method: Digital download
  • Author: Robert Irwin
  • Language:English
  • Christian Sex Education product homepage gif
  • Book Description:

How to banish premature ejaculation - Discover the simple, easy and fast techniques for complete control of your erections and orgasms. After discovering these natural (yet powerful) techniques, you will never again have to apologize to your least not in bed!

How to eliminate "quick" erections - Gain the confidence and peace of mind that you can only get from knowing that you are capable of maintaining your erections...indefinitely. Discover exactly how to determine where, when and how you orgasm...not a single second before you desire.

How to become a multi-orgasmic male - It is a little-known fact that most men have the ability to have multiple orgasms within a relatively short period of matter your age. I reveal the exact, step-by-step techniques that allow you to always feel "ready to go." You will never again have difficulty keeping up with your wife...orgasm after orgasm.

How to increase the duration of your orgasms - Did you know that the average duration of the male orgasm is less than ten seconds? When you discover the physiological secrets to increasing the duration of your orgasms, you will double or triple the duration of your orgasms. You will experience orgasms that last up to...60 seconds!

How to supercharge the pleasure and intensity of your orgasms - Don't settle for "ordinary" pleasure or orgasms. Experience the earth-shaking, mind-blowing and body-refreshing sensations "whole body" orgasms produce.

How to maximize the hardness of your erections - Nothing will make you feel more "like a man" than being able to maintain long-lasting, rock-hard erections. You will be amazed at how easily you produce rock-hard erection...and your wife will be thrilled!

How to increase the length of your penis - You don't need pills, creams or pumps. You do need to know the anatomical and physiological secrets that will maximize "the real length" of your penis. I don't guarantee that you will add 6 inches in length. I do guarantee you will add enough length that...she will notice!

How to produce a completely different and little-known type of orgasm - Some men describe this type of orgasm as more intense than any other. Most men don't realize that this type of orgasm even exists. It is your "secret weapon" for instantly increasing your sexual stamina and power to impress your wife in bed!

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