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Asian Dating Superstars Ebook

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* Asian Dating Superstars Ebook: is available for immediate download in ebook format so you can be reading within minutes. Available from anywhere in the world.
* Book Title:  Asian Dating Superstars
* Category: Dating
* Price: Retail Price $297 Now Only $77
* Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPal or Online Check
* Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
* Delivery Method: Digital download
* Asian Dating Superstars Author: Ryker Koh
* Language: English
* Book Description:
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Asian Dating Superstars Ebook Inside, you will learn:

How to know WHEN to 'pimp' on a girl and when to back off. You'll know immediately what you're doing is right or wrong
How to re-program your Asian thinking and get passed the stereotypical blunder that's holding you back
3 things that actually control over 95% of your actions and how to train the prime motivators in your emotions to overcome all obsticles
The most powerfull way to resonate your confidence and prowess for women so they come to YOU instead of you to them
How to master a two-part technique that will literally make ALL of your stressful and difficult decisions disappear - the harder it is, the easier your solution becomes
The most powerful secret to transforming your ‘identity’ to becoming the man every woman desires
How to flip DEEP emotional attraction switches within women that cause them to subconsciously see you as someone they want to know.
One simple trick to never run out of things to say and keep her attention.
How the right story can put a woman into a state where she WILL be seduced.
How to use your speech and body language as POWERFUL tools of seduction.
How to convey all your positive characteristics through material that you prepare ahead of time, making the pickup process a BREEZE.
How to make that all-important transition from meeting to connecting with a sexy woman
The 7 dateless mistakes you MUST avoid
How to boost your self-esteem and feel comfortable and attracted around women
How to pin-point your 3 biggest inner issues (including those you are afraid to admit to yourself) and defeat them from the inside out…
The steps to avoiding stupid mistakes that will scare her away
Secrets to expanding your mind and attracting women without even speaking
A simple, yet effective exercise to stop your limiting beliefs in just minutes
How to eliminate disappointment, doubt and fear now and forever
Understand the complete inner workings of your mind and your thinking - so that you can get "under the hood" and pimp your inner game ride to do what you want to do...
One simple hidden technique that takes 10 seconds and will instantly flush away your guilt, anger, resentment, frustration, disappointment, fear, or any negative emotion...
The secrets your therapist will never tell you about that will get you stronger inner game in days instead of months and years... (if more guys knew about this, therapy would be dead...)
How to get the right parts of your brain working TOGETHER instead of as enemies, so that you can stop second-guessing yourself, and find your inner source of courage and passion...
The Truth about "manifestation" - and how "The Secret" misleads and tricks most guys...
Learn the 5 Domains and the 7 Skills of emotional intelligence, and identify where you need to develop most to master yourself and your feelings...
How to master the 3 Essential Skills of "state change" so that you can instantly get in a better mood, and motivate yourself to do things you normally find difficult or impossible to accomplish...
How to completely turn off that "whiney voice" in your head that keeps you living in constant fear...
How to recognize your unhealthy thinking when it raises its voice, and how to prevent it from wrecking your approaches and conversations with women...
How to ask your woman for things without sounding like a needy wuss-bag...
How to fix up the holes in your self-confidence so you can interact with women on a strong and confident footing...
The 6 Critical Steps to plan and create real lasting change in your life - from your identity to your habits to your beliefs and way of thinking...
The easiest methods for relaxing, clearing your head, getting out of your head, and getting back in the moment with women - or anyone... With step-by-step, real-time guidance through the exercises...
How you inherited bad mental habits and trains of thought, and how to finally get rid of them without a bunch of therapy and painful self-analysis...
Simple exercises to identify the places in your life where you are letting women control you instead of taking the confident LEAD of your own life...
Do you ever find yourself making decisions to make people like you more, or just to not look bad? Here are some simple techniques to clear your head and get back to the REAL and authentic you that earns their respect and admiration...
Do you find that women don't seem to be interested in more dates with you after your first date? Here's why... and it's one of the easiest parts of your inner game to get tuned up...
4 Principles of Thought that show you how feelings, moods, and emotions work... Once you understand how this part of you works, you'll be able to stop reacting or feeling influenced by women and social pressure...
The big mistakes men make with their "panic" and anxiety attacks - and how to use the emotional energy to build self-confidence...
How to make any "technique" you've learned work better, faster, and longer than any of the guys who just learn "the words..."
How to take "rejection" and "failure" situations with women and turn them around into something that improves your self-confidence and self-esteem - without cheezy affirmations...
How to remove the negative habits you've developed that end up destroying your relationships...
Ever wonder how some pathetic guys have no problems meeting women? Why smart guys have more trouble with women than the "dumb" guys seem to...
Asian Dating Superstars Ebook is low cost, you get a 60 days unconditional money back guarantee from Clickbank so you risk nothing.
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