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How do I set up WordPress on the blog co-sponsored Hostican

New guide to install your first WordPress blog, and start running your own online version. There are nearly 10,000 new daily blog settings. It is easy and only took 10 minutes, to be run.

As a beginners guide, I will start with the virtual host, and then blog set up, they added to its contents, and run it. First of all, you need to find a good virtual host and support WordPress blog, and the right to MySQL database. Not all of the Care Program is to support the latest WordPress script. I suggest that hostican host, because you can get discount prices hostican your registration coupon code and your first year of hosting plan will cost you 45 dollars, which is less than 4 U.S. dollars per month.

Hostican next time you log into the cPanel control panel, here is the administrative organization, we will begin to use. The easiest way to install WordPress through fantastico. Please click the icon to the fantastico script pages to choose, and on your left, select the WordPress blog. Installation process will begin, this blog will be asked to fill in name and complete the installation. It's simple and your blog is running. Registration from the web hosting to set up a blog, less than 10 minutes.

Select advanced WordPress users to upload the script and follow the readme file of the blog set up manually. This will require some additional work. However, the engineering and.

Next we need to do is find a good WordPress theme. These themes will provide a new design, and look forward to your blog. There is no knowledge of web design needs. You need to go to the theme of site and find a suitable theme for your blog. Download it, unzip it and upload it to your virtual host installation folder, your blog. Upload it to / wp-content/themes. Once you're done, log on to the WordPress administration area, and go to presentation tab, and select a new theme. Upon completion, the new design for your website now.

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