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Hostican webmail login

Hostican hosting offering unlimited email account. I am using their hostican base-host now, and its come with unlimited email as well. Nice and generous feature from host i can. You can create as many email account you like, and assign individual password to it. And each person can access their email independently. Either their using email client like outlook to check on the email, or using webmail to browse the mail box. Simple as that.

Today i setup a new email account for the domain i hosted with, and also i checked on the hostican webmail services as well. I most prefer horde webmail. Better interface and good control panel. As a standard, hostican webmail come with horde webmail and also squirrelmail. There is no cube mail… and most the hosting today not offering cube anymore, not sure why. Maybe who will need so many email clients :)

Here is what i crop from the webmail mainpage from cpanel:
“Webmail allows you to check your email from a web browser as opposed to a desktop mail application such as Outlook Express or Thunderbird. This means that you can check your email from any web browser. Please make sure to log out when checking your email on public computers so that other people cannot read your email.

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