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Hostican MySQL database

Database will become the core of your Web site, the most important thing is that it's reliable, rapid delivery of data in the PHP script demands. 5 years experience in the host, I encounter many types of databases, as well as some very slow, slow, until I can not do my work network, as well as the slow and delayed site. Resettlement of genuine absorption. The reasons for the review of this database and MySQL database as well as the performance.

As you may know, this hostican review hostican base hosting hosted blog. Host Hostican base to provide up to 50 unique databases. The use of this blog WordPress blog script and the back-end database using MySQL. It is just a database with 10 tables in this blog. The database is growing, I at any time a new article to the blog host review love Kane.

Because I discovered a month after hosting hostican This site is still running hostican fast database performance. I log in to the WordPress manage pages very oftenly and management needs of a large number of MySQL interaction. In the footer, I can see the response time taken to prepare the web page. It is usually less than 0.5 seconds. In favor of the majority of the people amazingly fast.

The following is a screenshot, I crop from the cPanel 10 hostican display MySQL database wizard, phpmyadmin, remote database, and PostgreSQL databases.

Hostican database

I am not familiar with the PostgreSQL database, so this review will not cover it. In the MySQL server in the same hosting server, thus ensuring better uptime. With local databases, as well as the smallest downtime. PhpMyAdmin is a comprehensive function and speed.

Following is the MySQL version and the version of phpmyadmin running on hostican:

* MySQL's standard log version5.0.27
* PhpMyAdmin version

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